Connecting people to water.

Fostering future leaders to protect the ocean


Perspectives On Our World and it’s Ongoing Challenges

Deep Sea Stories From A Shadow Diver

Richie Kohler of Shadow Divers fame talks about an unidentified WWII German U-Boat off the coast of New Jersey.

Diving Into Life: Talking To A True Adventurer

How does a Martha Stewart Prep Cook become a diver for Jacques Cousteau? Clay Wilcox explains.

Using Oyster Reef Restoration To Mitigate Eutrophication

Since oysters can filter 50 gallons of water a day, they are very effective and efficient at removing algae and excess nutrients from the water.

Partnership With Patagonia

We share the same values as our partner Patagonia. Together we’re part of a movement for positive change. Through action we are improving awareness and appreciation of the ocean and earth’s aquatic environments.

Hawaii’s Clean Water Act Case

The Trump administration’s Dirty Water Rule eliminated Clean Water Act protections for countless rivers, streams, lakes, and wetlands that have been protected by the Clean Water Act for decades under regulations established by the Corps of Engineers under the Reagan administration in 1986, and implemented by Republican and Democratic administrations alike


Environmental Impact Of Single-Use PPE

It is not only gloves that are the problem. Masks are also problematic, as they are made from a type of plastic known as polypropylene, which can take 20 to 30 years to fully decompose.

Report From Hawaii

Ali Hands shares the first installment of her series about an amazing semester exploring the Hawaiian Islands, including underwater encounters with a host of sea creatures.